Will Tim Tebow's Pro-Life Bowl Ad Kill His Potential as an Endorser?
College Football Star's Religious Views Could Scare off Some Marketers, Experts Say
By Rich ThomaselliNEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- University of Florida star and National Football League hopeful Tim Tebow might have just thrown a penalty flag on his own future marketing ability by appearing in an anti-abortion ad scheduled to air during the Super Bowl, say sports-marketing experts
In an era when most athletes rarely, if ever, delve into politics or social causes, Mr. Tebow will be appearing in a 30-second spot for the Colorado-based conservative Christian group Focus on the Family. The ad is expected to be pro-life themed, and is slated to air during CBS's Feb. 7 broadcast of Super Bowl XLIV from Miami.
"From a marketer's point of view, this would dramatically shorten the window of opportunity," said Drew Kerr, president of New York-based Four Corners Communications. "The last thing any major advertiser would want to do is rock the religious boat of America, because a grassroots backlash would be too costly. ... When it comes to topics like abortion, people have long memories."